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How to Assist Your Loved One with Incontinence After a Stroke

It’s difficult to comprehend the feelings of a loved one who is dealing with incontinence after a stroke. The road to recovery requires love and care from a support group that doesn’t judge. This is certainly the case when it comes to incontinence, which is a common side effect of a stroke.

Incontinence is a lack of bladder and/or bowel control, which leads to urine or fecal leakage. It can come in many forms, and all forms must be cared for with a delicate touch when it comes to helping a loved one after their stroke.

How to Care for Someone with Incontinence

The first step towards helping a loved one with their incontinence issue is by starting a conversation. Yes, it takes courage. However, it may make everyone feel relieved. Let them know you love them and you’re here to help.

Something easy to say might be, “I love you, and I’ve noticed you might be having some accidents when you’re trying to get to the bathroom. I’m here to help. What can I do for you?” Additionally, you might let them know that you will respect their privacy, and your assistance will stay a secret.

The main point to get across is that their incontinence is not their fault or something to feel ashamed about. Urinary incontinence is actually quite common for those who have suffered a stroke.

It’s important that everyone who has close ties to the person with the incontinence issue is willing to help in any way they can. It’s not just okay to talk about it, it’s necessary.

helping loved one after stroke

In order to help a person struggling with incontinence, here is a list of things you can do:

  • Keep clean garments available in all bathrooms
  • Keep an extra change of clothes in the car
  • Stock up on disposable adult diapers or disposable underwear
  • Get waterproof pads for furniture in the house
  • Get a bedside commode that can easily be hidden during the day
  • Always keep extra clothes available
  • Place waterproof underpads (also known as chux or bed pads) underneath bed sheets
  • Keep hand wipes, skin wipes, and hand sanitizer nearby
  • Always offer to talk about any issues a loved one is going through

Using Catheters Due to Incontinence After Stroke

Do you or does your loved one need to use intermittent catheters now due to a stroke? If so, 180 Medical would be honored to be your provider. We’re committed to providing products that not only help our customers through difficult times but can also turn the quality of their lives around. With discreet packaging and a team of caring experts, 180 Medical is one of the leading catheter suppliers in the country.

Contact us today!


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About the Author
How to Assist Your Loved One with Incontinence After a Stroke
180 Medical is a nationally-accredited provider of intermittent catheters, incontinence supplies, and ostomy products.

Our highly trained specialists are glad to contribute information like their extensive product knowledge, fun happenings at 180 Medical, charitable events across the country, and more.