For Catheter Customers

Have you been told you need to start using urinary catheters? 180 Medical is here for your journey, every step of the way.
With beginnings rooted in our founder Todd Brown’s spinal cord injury that requires him to use catheters every day, along with over a decade of experience specializing in intermittent catheter supplies, you can rest assured that our fully-trained Catheter Specialists know our products inside and out.
Frequently Asked Questions
From billing and insurance product coverage to catheter types and how to get your first order, we’ve got the answers to your FAQs about your catheter supply orders.
Catheter Insurance Guide
180 Medical is contracted with Medicare, state Medicaid programs, and a wide and growing range of private insurance plans. Get more information about insurance coverage for your catheters here.
Catheter Brands
We are proud to have one of the largest selections of urologic catheters available on the market today from all the top manufacturers. We know that no one type or brand of catheter is best for every person, so we have a large selection to choose from so you are able to find one that fits your needs best.
How to Reduce UTIs
Some of us know firsthand just how painful it can be to live with recurrent urinary tract infections. We have some helpful tips on how to reduce the risk of UTIs for catheter users.
How to Catheterize Instructions
New to cathing? 180 Medical is happy to help! Check out our detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to catheterize for men, women, and children. These include detailed tips for closed system catheters, hydrophilic catheters, and straight or coudé tip catheters.
Articles and Studies
We believe an educated customer is a happy, healthy customer. Find a wealth of information here, including educational articles about conditions like Spina Bifida and spinal cord injuries, risks of reusing catheters, and more.
180 Medical Kids Club
Cathing can become second nature to your child with some easy adjustments. Get fun activities and full-color educational materials that help your child become familiarized with the idea of self-cathing by joining our Kids Club today.
Catheter Resources
Get more information about the basics of intermittent catheters, including French sizes, lengths, funnels, materials, and the main types of catheters here.
Request Catheter Samples
With such a wide variety of urinary catheters, we fully understand the need to try out some catheter options before committing to a full order. Contact us today!