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Four Things You Should Know About Diverticulitis

4 Things You Should Know About Diverticulitis

If you are a UFC fan, you might remember a few years back how Brock Lesnar had to withdraw from the sport because of complications from a disease called diverticulitis. Although Lesnar did get better and is currently performing in the WWE, he was on the sidelines for a while. During that time, he lost a lot of weight and strength, and he had surgery to remove a foot of his colon.

Diverticulitis often affects older individuals, but not always. There are various treatment options available, depending on the severity of the condition and health of the patient.

Here are several other things to know about diverticulitis.

What is Diverticulitis?

Diverticulitis is a sometimes painful condition that features the presence of small pouches or sacs in the colon called diverticula.

Diverticula form on weak spots along the wall of the colon, although they can form on other parts of the body as well. This is called diverticulosis, and most people who have this condition experience no symptoms.

Diverticulosis can be relatively harmless unless the diverticula become infected or break open. This then becomes diverticulitis.

diverticulitis is caused by infected sacs in the colon

What Causes Diverticulitis?

It’s not currently known why diverticula can become inflamed for sure, but we do know that diverticula often form due to a low-fiber, red-meat-heavy diet. A low-fiber diet causes constipation, which forces an individual to strain when emptying their bowels. In Lesnar’s case, painkillers from his days as a wrestler and fighter may have also been a factor, as those can cause constipation as well.

What Are the Symptoms of Diverticulitis?

It depends on the severity of the condition. In its most mild form, diverticulitis may cause no symptoms. In the most extreme cases, it can be quite painful and require surgery.

Symptoms may include:

  • Pain, usually in the lower-left side of the abdomen
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Chills
  • Constipation
  • Cramping

Are There Treatments Available?

Diverticulitis can be treated, but it depends on the severity of the condition and how long the symptoms have been present. Treatment usually includes eliminating certain foods and adding more fiber to one’s diet. Medication may also be part of the treatment plan, such as anti-inflammation drugs, steroids, and/or antibiotics.

Someone living with diverticulitis may also be asked to go on a liquid diet for a few days. If it becomes severe enough, one may have to undergo surgery to remove the affected part of the colon.

There’s no question that diverticulitis can be life-changing, but it is possible to live a normal life with a few modifications.

If you have had an ostomy procedure as part of your diverticulitis treatment, our Ostomy Specialists are ready to help you find the products you need to make the transition easier. In addition to ostomy supplies, 180 Medical is proud to offer affordable catheter supplies and products too.

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Four Things You Should Know About Diverticulitis
180 Medical is a nationally-accredited provider of intermittent catheters, incontinence supplies, and ostomy products.

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