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180 Medical Product Specialist Employee Spotlight: Meet Jennifer

Meet Jennifer 180 Medical Product Specialist
In our ongoing Employee Spotlight blog series, we’re happy to focus on the amazing people behind our teams who make each day at 180 Medical unique and thrilling. Meet Jennifer, a 180 Medical Product Specialist! Jennifer explains her role and experiences since starting her career at 180 Medical.

Jennifer, what was your first job?

Medicine and healthcare have always been my passion because it’s rewarding and fulfilling to help people live healthier and happier lives. So my first job was initially at the University of Oklahoma as a licensed pharmacy technician. I kept busy filling over 800 prescriptions a day.

Although I enjoyed my pharmacy job, I looked for a place that I could interact with people one-on-one and build a connection while still helping improve lives. Luckily, I found I could do exactly that at 180 Medical! I love the care and compassion that 180 Medical brings to each customer and the joy and culture enjoyed by the employees.

What has your career growth been like at 180 Medical so far?

I have been with 180 Medical for almost two and a half years. First, I started as a Client Specialist. Later, I moved to a Product Specialist position. Both job positions have been incredibly fulfilling. It is truly a testimony to how 180 Medical cares about the personal growth of its employees because they promote internally and provide many opportunities to gain knowledge and traction throughout the company.

Working with 180 Medical has helped me develop my career by providing the time, tools, and resources for me to be successful. Management has actively rewarded me with advancement opportunities. There is always room to grow.

Jennifer with her Quarterly Awards

What is an average day of a 180 Medical Product Specialist like?

Being a Product Specialist is unique because you have to be an expert on catheter products. Also, you have to be knowledgeable and comfortable with insurance. As a 180 Medical Product Specialist, I help our customers find the catheter supplies that are best suited to keep them safe, sterile, and comfortable during catheterization.

Throughout an average day, I will make several calls to go over prescriptions, insurance, and supply options for our new clients. Not only am I one of the first people our new customers speak with, but I also interact with many existing clients who have questions or issues about their accounts.

Have you ever had an experience through your job where you felt you made a difference in someone’s life?

I have absolutely had experiences where I’ve felt like I touched the lives of others as well as where others touched my life.

Not too long after my first year here, I spoke to a woman who was using catheters for years but just recently switched to 180 Medical. She was very distraught at the time because she kept getting urinary tract infections (UTIs) and didn’t know how to fix it. She was constantly living in pain. Also, she said her last medical supply company dismissed her when she told them about her issues. She felt like she had been ignored for years.

She had been using catheters for five years, and I was the first person to tell her about advanced products like pre-lubricated and hydrophilic catheters. I promised her I would not stop until we found something better for her.

We kept in close touch discussing her needs while she was trying samples until she had found the right product. Instead of tears of pain, she had tears of joy and told me, “You have changed my life. Thank you.”

The best accomplishment comes after knowing you put your everything into helping turn people’s lives around. That interaction continues to make me smile to this day.

Jennifer, 180 Medical Product Specialist

What are some of your favorite traditions at 180 Medical?

180 Medical has such a positive work culture. Some of my favorite traditions are Goal Shirt Thursdays, Employee Appreciation Day, and our Quarterly Meetings!

Whether we were in the office or working from home in 2020, Goal Shirt Thursdays were a way to be connected to your team and the whole company and it is always surreal seeing everyone representing 180 Medical.

Although you usually get a warm greeting when you come into work every day, Employee Appreciation Day is special because you get greeted by managers and supervisors with pom-poms and loud cheers. Then we have an awesome pancake breakfast.

Quarterly meetings are also great since we have fun activities and games to start out. Then we get to see real data about the interactions and results we are making. Lastly, the meeting always finishes off with recognition awards for performance, 5-year anniversary bobbleheads, and 10-year anniversary caricatures.

Jennifer's Spirit Award Nomination

What accomplishments are you most proud of as a 180 Medical Product Specialist?

My greatest accomplishment at work has been achieving top Product Specialist twice in my first year as a product specialist. It felt like hitting the ground running and filling the big shoes the team has set out for me.

Outside of work, my most proud accomplishment is getting my degree as well as two awards for volunteering through my college years. Growing up, I was in Girl Scouts so volunteering is huge in my life. I am thankful that I had challenged myself to continue servicing others while being a first-generation college student since it instilled a strong work ethic while becoming closer to and bettering my community.

Jennifer with boyfriend

What else are you passionate about?

I am passionate about the outdoors. I love going to Oklahoma’s different state parks and others around the country to explore nature. Fun fact: I have Junior Park Ranger badges from many different state parks including my favorite one: Sequoia National Park. I also love coming home to my three guinea pigs, Cinnamon, Cocoa, and Pepper, and hanging out with my friends and family.

Jennifer with her guinea pigs

You can usually find me playing board games with my family, fishing with my boyfriend, and watching Oklahoma sports (Boomer Sooner! and Go Thunder!). One of my biggest hobbies is painting since it is carefree and an easy way to clear your mind and pour your imagination on the canvas.

Jennifer and a painting

What would you tell someone who’s considering applying to 180 Medical?

Do it! I would advise you to make sure you’re committed to helping people. Own a positive attitude and personality and be ready to be a team player.

Job Openings at 180 Medical

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About the Author
180 Medical Product Specialist Employee Spotlight: Meet Jennifer
180 Medical is a nationally-accredited provider of intermittent catheters, incontinence supplies, and ostomy products.

Our highly trained specialists are glad to contribute information like their extensive product knowledge, fun happenings at 180 Medical, charitable events across the country, and more.