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Introducing Frank Damiani, 2017 180 Medical Scholarship Recipient

Last month, we introduced the first of our 2017 180 Medical scholarship recipients, Megha. This week, meet Frank Damiani!

frank damiani - 180 medical scholarship recipient 2017

Growing Up With Spina Bifida

2017 180 Medical Scholarship Recipient Frank has fought a lot of battles to fight since the day he was born with Spina Bifida. From the moment he arrived in the world, he needed immediate surgery on the sac on his back and the exposed muscles and nerves of his spine.

It’s been a hard road at times. However, Frank’s mother has been there for him every step of the way as a big motivator.

“My mom worked hard to help my disability become a way of life and not a big deal,” he says. She was even the reason how he found his true passion: Shotokan Karate.

Finding a Passion for Karate

The karate instructor speaks incredibly highly of Frank in regards to his extraordinary character and his “overwhelming desire to learn and expand his knowledge by participating in any extracurricular events, such as clinics or tournaments that may aid in his growth as both an individual and a Martial Artist.”

Every day, whether at school or practicing karate, he shows a passion and spirit that not many can match. Because of his dedication to his practice, Frank is now a black belt. Also, he still practices this form of martial arts at least four times a week. Karate ultimately helped him grow stronger and disciplined.

Frank loves volunteering to mentor younger students. According to his karate instructor, “Frank is loved and respected by all of the students and parents with whom he comes into contact because he gives all of himself to assisting his classmates and has a true passion for whatever goals he pursues.”

Needless to say, we here at 180 Medical are truly impressed by Frank’s dedication. He’s a student that represents so many aspects of the characteristics our company aspires to achieve every day in what we do through his compassion, integrity, and willingness to serve others.

Turning a Passion into a Career

In fact, that is a big part of Frank’s ultimate career goal, which he is working toward now at Kingsborough Community College. He is working toward becoming a Physical Education teacher for the Department of Education, and he wants to work with children with Spina Bifida, spinal cord injuries, and other physical challenges that keep them from being able to attend regular gym class in school.

Frank says, “I love being a role model to younger students. It makes me feel good, and I believe teaching will give me the same satisfaction.”

Frank, everyone at 180 Medical is rooting for you to keep moving forward toward achieving your goals. We know that thanks to your dedication and kindness, you will surely positively affect other children by showing them that sports and physical activities don’t have to be off-limits just because of a disability or a physical challenge. Good luck in your first semester of school!

About the 180 Medical Scholarship

We hope you enjoy reading a little bit about each of this year’s scholarship recipients throughout the coming months as we feature them on our blog and our social media accounts. Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on this and many more fun company events, educational topics, awareness, careers at 180 Medical, and more!

College costs are a lot to manage. In addition, many students with disabilities also face extra financial burdens. That’s why 180 Medical created this program.

Find out more details on our Scholarship page.

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About the Author
Introducing Frank Damiani, 2017 180 Medical Scholarship Recipient
Jessica is the Sr. Marketing Specialist at 180 Medical, and she has been with the company for 15 years. She loves getting to be creative in her role and hearing from customers about the positive impact we've made on their lives.

Outside of work, you can find her hanging out with her husband and their dogs or browsing garden centers (where she will almost certainly buy another houseplant she doesn't really need).