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180 Medical Office Coordinator Spotlight: Meet Leah

Meet Leah, 180 Medical Office Coordinator
At 180 Medical, we make it a point to hire positive, compassionate, world-class individuals. The Employee Spotlight is our opportunity to showcase some of our exemplary co-workers. In our next installment, we’re excited to introduce Leah, a 180 Medical Office Coordinator, to explain her role as well as some of the things she loves about working here.

Leah, talk to us about your time at 180 Medical and your current role as an Office Coordinator?

I started with 180 Medical almost 9 years ago in 2012! First, I worked as a Client Specialist, which meant helping set up new accounts for our customers, updating orders and account information, and finding the right product for each person’s individual needs.

I’ve been in my current position as an Office Coordinator for a little over 2 years. Since I’m currently working remotely from home, an average day now starts with grabbing my coffee, getting my kiddos ready and taking them to school, and then getting under my heated blanket to start work.

As a 180 Medical Office Coordinator, I primarily support our sales representatives out in the field. I start my day by going through my email inbox, then I work through anything else needing action in our internal system. Once the urgent tasks are handled, I might help with sending samples for new customers or request documentation from facilities. Mainly, I take care of the many needs of our customers, facilities, and our sales representatives. Then I wrap up the day by looking over any notes that I may need to share with our customer service teams. Every day offers something new!

Leah with her family

What’s the best part of your job at 180 Medical?

The people. It’s that simple. When you put people first, it makes life so much fuller. Plus, I love getting to be part of our sales representatives’ success in meeting their goals. I get to help support them by sharing our amazing customer reviews with people inside and outside the company to shine a light on our first-rate service. I am so humbled that they entrust me to call facilities and request documentation.

Do you have any favorite traditions at 180 Medical?

I love when we get to fundraise for Magic Wheelchair! This is a charity that raises money to provide out-of-this-world costumes for children in wheelchairs. It’s one of our favorite annual fundraisers at 180 Medical, and it’s a great cause that brings us all together.

Even during the pandemic, we have kept our fundraisers and fun traditions alive. In 2020, we did a Virtual Pie in the Face fundraiser. I LOVED this because it got us all involved for causes that can directly impact our customers. Plus, it got us doing something fun while we were apart. There might still be whipped cream on the ceiling of my garage from when my kiddos pied me in the face!

Leah wearing blue for colorectal cancer awareness
Leah and her kids wearing blue for Colorectal Cancer Awareness Day

What work accomplishments are you most proud of?

180 Medical definitely rewards us for performance and going above and beyond. I am also really proud to say I have won the Spirit Award. The fact that my peers think of me as someone who exemplifies the 180 Way (our founding values) is a huge honor!

She has gone above and beyond especially when working at home to answer her phones find the answers from my doctors and nurses no matter how big or how small. She works really hard and fast to get the job done and keep the accounts happy.
Leah’s Spirit Award Nomination, 2021

What do you love to do outside of work?

Everyone who knows me knows that my passions are my family, University of Oklahoma football, smoking BBQ, and Harry Potter! If there is an OU college football game, we are smoking something on the grill and spending time together as a family. All of us get in the kitchen and take part.

Leah's kids and her homemade OU bench
Leah’s kids and her homemade OU bench

Also, I have loved Harry Potter since I was a kid. I read them so often that when I was learning Spanish, I would read Harry Potter in Spanish to help me learn! As my boys get older, I’m excited to take them to Harry Potter World. It’s something that we all really love. Getting to see them experience it in person is something I can’t wait to do!

Have you ever had an experience at work where you felt you made a difference?

I have one customer that I have gotten to take care of throughout nearly my entire time here at 180 Medical. We both always look forward to our monthly chats. We share parenting tips and life hacks. She has made the same difference in my life that I have made in hers. This is what I love about my job. While I feel people are making a difference in my life on a daily basis, we are actually making a difference in each other’s lives!

How has 180 Medical helped you in your professional development?

Through working for 180 Medical, I have learned to follow my passions, give grace, support my peers, and love the people around me. The skills I have learned here have helped me grow professionally and personally.

Do you have any advice for someone considering applying to 180 Medical?

DO IT. Go all in. 180 Medical is a place where you can be passionate about your work. We are a family. We support each other in all that we do. Plus, we get to change lives! Come join us!

We’re Hiring!

Are you interested in becoming a difference-maker with the 180 Medical team? Well, we’re hiring! Check out our available positions and apply today!

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About the Author
180 Medical Office Coordinator Spotlight: Meet Leah
180 Medical is a nationally-accredited provider of intermittent catheters, incontinence supplies, and ostomy products.

Our highly trained specialists are glad to contribute information like their extensive product knowledge, fun happenings at 180 Medical, charitable events across the country, and more.