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180 Medical Team Supervisor Employee Spotlight: Introducing Tyler

Meet Tyler, 180 Medical Team Supervisor Employee

180 Medical is proud of the positive, customer-first mentality shared by all our teams. Our Employee Spotlight allows us to highlight the individuals on our teams who display those values and go above and beyond each day. In our latest feature, 180 Medical is pleased to share our interview with Tyler, a 180 Medical Team Supervisor, on his life and career with 180 Medical.

Tyler, what does the average day of a 180 Medical Team Supervisor look like?

Well, I have been with 180 Medical for just over 2 years. I started as a Client Specialist in June of 2019. Now, as a 180 Medical Team Supervisor, my day is all about being there to support my teams. Team supervisors are here to assist with tough situations, help navigate hard-to-decipher insurance guidelines, and most of all, help our staff develop into the best people and employees that they can be.

I have had the opportunity to serve as a leader in many organizations, but 180 has challenged me and pushed me to lead in a way that I have not seen in other businesses before. I feel challenged every day to make sure we are doing the right thing for our customers. The best part of my role is that I get to invest in my team and develop them. There is value in continuous development. Our teams are always striving to get better. I get to help them identify those goals and see them realized.

Tyler with his family
Tyler with his family

What is special about working at 180 Medical?

On my first day on the job at 180 Medical, I could tell this place was different. The culture at 180 Medical is so special. This is the best place to work. Our values are clearly exhibited by all that work here. Leadership is no exception. You can be just on a trip down the hallway and be greeted with a genuine smile and ‘how are you?’ from our executive leadership team and they’re always available through chat online.

Best Places to Work 2020
Tyler (right) with other 180 Medical employees at the 2019 Best Places to Work Awards Ceremony

Also, at 180 Medical, it’s almost a daily occurrence to feel like you’re making a real difference in someone’s life. We get a chance to help people on a daily basis during potentially hard times in their life.

When I first started, I was able to help a gentleman through a tough time he was having with learning to use his products. We went through a lot together, but by the end of it, he and his wife were so pleased. She called me one day to say what a difference it made to have someone to talk to about all of this. She said that he would never say it himself, but they couldn’t have made it through without 180 Medical.

What are some of your favorite traditions at 180 Medical?

180 Medical has so many fun traditions to love! I would have to say that my favorite would be the quarterly meetings. It is a great time to connect and get to know what is going on across the company. These are always great times to get together and see what we have done and where we are going.

While we aren’t meeting in person during the pandemic, we still get together for our meetings over Zoom. We also keep all the fun with virtual talent shows, lip sync battles, and much more!

What work accomplishments are you most proud of?

I have been very honored to be a part of our 180 Way Committee. This committee is tasked with keeping our culture and values in place. We schedule events and educate our employees about important causes that affect those that we serve.

I have also had the honor to be recognized as a Top Team Performer in my role as a Client Specialist. And I was selected to attend the Best Places to Work ceremony in 2019 to represent the company.

How do you like to spend your time outside of work?

One of my favorite ways to spend my time is getting quality time with my wife and son. My wife and I are foster parents and love all the 13 kids we have fostered before. I am also a high school and college official of basketball and football. I spend a lot of time working and officiating games.

Tyler refereeing a North Edmond football game

This has been a passion of mine for a long time. I love being connected to sports and staying engaged. Plus, it gets me a free ticket! Golfing is another one of my favorite things to do. I may not be the best golfer, but I have really come to enjoy the sport and the time outdoors.

What advice would you have for someone considering applying to 180 Medical?

My advice is to take the chance and apply for the job. Honestly, I was not looking to get into this type of business or job at first. I wanted to be a manager or leader like I had been before. I took a chance on 180 because I saw they are one of the Best Places to Work in Oklahoma. Right away, I could tell that I was going to like it here. Once I was hired, I saw how many opportunities there were and that I could do anything with 180 Medical. We are always growing.

180 Medical is Hiring!

Does a career focused on impacting lives and making a difference sound like the right fit for you? Well, 180 Medical is hiring! View all our available positions and apply today!

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About the Author
180 Medical Team Supervisor Employee Spotlight: Introducing Tyler
180 Medical is a nationally-accredited provider of intermittent catheters, incontinence supplies, and ostomy products.

Our highly trained specialists are glad to contribute information like their extensive product knowledge, fun happenings at 180 Medical, charitable events across the country, and more.