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Wendy on Wheels

Wendy on Wheels is a children’s book series Wendy on Wheels Saves the Day bookfeaturing a 10-year-old girl, Wendy, who rolls through life in a wheelchair meeting friends and showing her abilities. The books follow her on her different adventures like going to the beach and the zoo and even volunteering at a children’s hospital (dressed in a superhero costume!).

The author, Angela Ruzicka, came up with the idea to write the series after seeing how discriminating the world is while growing up beside her sister, who has spina bifida.

Recently, I read Wendy on Wheels Saves the Day to my four-year-old son, and he absolutely loved it. After I read the book to him, he told me that he was going to help a boy in his class, who I later found out has a special need. After pre-school the next day, the first thing he told me was that he helped that boy and even taught him how to play basketball at recess. It was great to see how much this book resonated with him and that he now has become even better friends with the little boy in his class.

In a recent article about Wendy in Wheels in Parenting Special Needs, Ruzicka states, “Ability awareness is important for our society as a whole. We really need to be more aware and take into consideration how people of all abilities live. We need to be considerate of other people make sure they enjoy their lives and can do everything they want to do.”

There are currently three books in the series: Wendy on Wheels Goes to the Beach, Wendy on Wheels Goes to the Zoo, and Wendy on Wheels Saves the Day – all available on Amazon.

If you have a child, with or without a special need, these books are wonderful. Find out more information at the Wendy on Wheels website:

What is your favorite children’s book that features a child with special needs?

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About the Author
Wendy on Wheels
Kier is the Marketing Director at 180 Medical. She has been at 180 Medical for almost 13 years. Originally from Iowa, she now calls Oklahoma home. In her free time, she loves to cheer on the Iowa State Cyclones and Oklahoma City Thunder.