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How much water should I drink if I use catheters?

water icon - how much water should i drink if i use cathetersIf you use catheters, you may wonder if the amount of water or fluids you drink should change. The short answer is that most experts agree around 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is enough to stay hydrated.

The most important thing to remember is that you shouldn’t drink less in order to avoid cathing. Your urine should be a light straw color typically. If you have more questions specific to your unique needs, be sure to reach out to your urologist or another prescribing healthcare professional.

More helpful tips for how much water to drink when you use catheters:

  • Drinking enough water is key for your health, especially when using a catheter. It keeps your body working right and cleans out germs.
  • Even though you might think drinking less means you don’t have to cath as often, it’s actually bad for you. Not drinking enough can lead to health problems.
  • If you drink a lot at once, you might need to cath soon after. Aim for your urine to be light like straw. Dark urine means you need more water, but totally clear urine could mean you’re drinking too much.
  • Don’t wait too long to cath. It’s best to empty your bladder regularly to avoid issues.
  • Water is the best choice for staying hydrated. Try to sip on water throughout the day.
  • You may want to consider limiting drinks with caffeine like coffee or soda because they make you pee more and can be a bladder irritant
  • Setting reminders can help you remember to drink water regularly throughout the day.
  • Avoiding dehydration is important to lower the chance of urinary tract infections.



Please note: This information is not medical advice. The information on this site is a summary to provide a general consumer understanding of healthcare topics. Do not use this information in place of a visit, call, or consultation with a physician. People using information accessed on this website should also research original sources of authority, including your physician. Should you have any questions or require medical advice, please call or visit your prescribing healthcare provider.

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